Disciple's Cross Necklaces

The Disciple's Cross™ is a hand-made cross necklace available in a multitude of colors. This cross is the same as the one worn by Pastor John Raymond on Survivor Thailand. The tag contains the scripture Matthew 16:24. The Disciple's Cross™ is made up of three distinct components. The simulated leather cord reminds us of the leather straps used to beat our Savior; the wrapped wire stands for the thorn branches twisted into a crown to mock the King of Kings; and, of course, the nails represent the large spikes that were driven into the hands and feet of the Lord of Lords. As you carry your Disciple's Cross™ with you, consider the sacrifice that Jesus made for you and take up your cross and follow Him.

My name is Michele Young and I am a Certified Producer for Disciple's Cross. We offer crosses at retail, wholesale in larger quantities and for fundraising.

Disciple's Crosses can be made in a variety of colors or color combinations. You can order directly from our web site by sending me an email using the link at the bottom of this page. Soon there will be a shopping cart option available for your order.

If you have any questions about ordering or becoming a Disciple's Cross Producer yourself, please don't hesitate to email me!

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